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Count Malevar's Midnight Masquerade

Count Malevar's Midnight Masquerade was a project for Swamp Thrills Design Competition that won first place in 2020. Our team was challenged to design an interactive queue for a dark ride. We came up with a Venice-inspired fantasy ride where guests were invited to a masquerade ball that turned out to be hosted by a sinister vampire. The queue would get guests ready for the ball and hint at the secrets they would soon uncover.

Magical Boutique Mirrors

One of the rooms guests went through in the queue was a boutique where they would look at outfits for the masquerade. Using RFID tickets for the park, they would take turns trying on different costumes and matching masks in a mirror that used projections to let them swipe through different designs and pick their favorite. This would come into play when boarding the ride, where they would get 3D glasses matching the mask they picked out in the boutique.



This section came right before Count Malevar's mansion came into view. Guests exited the boutique into an alleyway scene in between buildings and underneath a night sky. Some of the windows utilized screens and hidden speakers to show silhouettes of people getting ready for the ball and whispering secrets about the true nature of the count.

Boarding Map

Part of our challenge was to map out how guests would board the dark ride vehicles. Groups would be escorted into the mansion and see a grand staircase behind the ride vehicles, then be separated into two vehicles with three rows and four seats per row.

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